First line Dental

What Does A Tooth Extraction Feel Like?

JUNE 20, 2022

Your dentist wants to help you retain your natural teeth throughout your lifetime. However, there are a number of circumstances that can necessitate a tooth extraction in Manchester. If your dental team has informed you that you should have a tooth removed, it is normal if you feel a bit apprehensive about your upcoming procedure. The following information may put your mind at ease; it provides a play-by-play of what you can expect before, during, and after your extraction.

Making You Comfortable

Before your dentist starts the extraction, they will numb the portion of your mouth where they will be working. You may feel a pinching sensation as the anesthetic is being injected. A bit of discomfort is normal at this point, but you should not experience any significant pain. If you are struggling with some anxiety about your procedure, you may be eligible for sedation to help you relax and stay calm.

Removing The Tooth

Once any anesthesia or sedation has taken effect, your dentist will work on removing the tooth.

If you are undergoing a simple extraction, your dentist will use an elevator to slightly lift the tooth. Then, they will grip it with forceps and rock it back and forth to break the ligaments that are keeping it in place. The local anesthesia will prevent you from feeling pain, but you pay feel some pressure or a pulling sensation.

Surgical extractions are more complex and might require that your dentist creates incisions in your gums or even breaks a tooth into pieces. Like a simple extraction, you might feel some pressure, as well as tugging and pulling sensations. You should not notice any pain.

Finishing The Procedure

Once your tooth is out, your dentist may clean out the socket to remove any lingering debris or tooth fragments. You might also receive a few sutures. Gauze may be placed in your mouth to keep any bleeding under control. Biting firmly on the gauze for an hour or so should place adequate pressure on the extraction site to stop any initial bleeding.

After Your Treatment

After your sedation and/or anesthesia wear off, you can expect some soreness and swelling for a few days to a week or longer. Your dentist will give you tips on how to minimize any discomfort. For example, you may need to adjust your eating habits, use ice to manage swelling, and take medications as prescribed. If you run into any questions or concerns during your recovery, get in touch with your dentist ASAP.

A tooth extraction can be a strange experience, but it is not usually painful — and it has the potential to greatly benefit your oral health!

Meet the Practice

The experts at First Line Dental provide general and emergency dental services to the Manchester community. We strive to make patients as comfortable as possible, regardless of what type of treatment they are undergoing. To learn more about us and how we may be able to help you achieve a healthier smile, contact us at 860-259-4039.

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