First line Dental

How Your Dental Team Prepares For Your Visit During Covid-19

JUNE 11, 2020

Before the outbreak of COVID-19, your dental team may have had a fairly simple procedure for preparing for your appointments. They would thoroughly wash their hands, put on a fresh mask and gloves, and ensure that they were using properly sterilized instruments. Now, things are different. Additional measures are necessary to protect you during your appointments. In this article, you will learn about a portion of the dental safety protocol that is in place to promote your health and safety.

Safety Champions

Several reputable organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Dental Association, provide guidelines to help your dentist in Manchester maintain a safe environment. Your dental team is determined to apply all such applicable guidelines, right down to the smallest details. They continually remind one another of how they can do their best to fight the spread of illness. They also educate patients on how they can play their role in disease prevention. For example, you may be required to wear a mask while you are in the practice or sanitize your hands prior to your appointment.

Daily Health Checks

During a pandemic, it is vital that everyone keeps a close eye on their own health. Your dental team understands that, which is why they undergo a health screening each day before they begin work. The health screening includes a temperature check and a questionnaire that assesses whether it is likely that they have been exposed to COVID-19. Patients must submit to a similar screening prior to each of their appointments.

Changing Clothes At Work

During a pandemic, it is vital that everyone keeps a close eye on their own health. Your dental team understands that, which is why they undergo a health screening each day before they begin work. The health screening includes a temperature check and a questionnaire that assesses whether it is likely that they have been exposed to COVID-19. Patients must submit to a similar screening prior to each of their appointments.

Changing Clothes At Work

In the “old days,” you might have occasionally seen members of your dental team wearing their scrubs while they were taking care of errands around town. Now, you will no longer see that. Your dental team travels to work in their regular clothes, then changes into freshly screened scrubs when they arrive at the office. This simple precaution reduces the risk that a virus or another contagion will transfer to a patient from the garments of a team member.

A Strict Cleaning Routine

Dental offices have always been some of the cleanest places in the community. That remains as true as ever during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your dental team has adopted a new, stricter cleaning routine that is designed to kill viruses and promote a healthful environment. For example, they disinfect door handles, reception chairs, countertops, and other frequently touched surfaces at least three times a day. They also take extra time to clean the operatories between patients and perform a thorough cleaning of the office every evening after closing.

Your dental team is committed to your health and safety. The above information describes just the fringes of what they are doing to protect you during this pandemic season.

About the Author

Dr. Jared Jacobskind is the general dentist at First Line Dental. He is a graduate of Stony Brook University’s School of Dental Medicine and has experience in many different facets of dentistry. Dr. Jacobskind and our entire team are proud to serve our community and provide top-notch dental care even during these unprecedented times. To ask questions or learn more about our safety protocols, contact us at 860-327-5990.

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